Arborjet’s ShortStop now for Trees & Shrubs!
July 21, 2021 | By: Gary Snyder
Arborjet’s ShortStop 2SC has been approved for use on Trees & Shrubs. Applicators can now use it as a soil drench for trees and shrubs and a foliar spray for shrubs. So get ready & get excited to save your crew time & money by adding ShortStop to your ornamental care plans.
Key Benefits of ShortStop:
- One product for both trees and shrubs
- Above ground, growth regulation means less time pruning and shaping
- Less people power needed, allowing for more time for other jobs
- Fewer clippings generated, reducing disposal fees
- Increased drought resistance- more fibrous root system helps find available water
- Increased disease suppression- thicker, waxier leaves make it harder for fungi and fruiting bodies to take hold
- Improved appearance -treated plants typically have denser, greener leaves, show fewer signs of chlorosis, and have more flowers
How to Apply ShortStop to Trees & Shrubs
Arborjet & Green Velvet – Together – Working for you!
Green Velvet is proud to be a distributor of Arborjet products, who offer many great products to meet all your needs from turf to ornamental – including ShortStop. Learn more about ShortStop today.
Now that Arborjet’s ShortStop is approved for trees & shrubs what are you waiting for? Contact your Green Velvet Sales Representative or Your Local Branch to get ShortStop!